Texture Registry

The Texture Registry contains information about the 3D graphic textures used in your project. These textures are image files that are used to add complex patterns to the surfaces of objects in a 3D scene. For example, they define the clothes, skin and hair colour of Entities as well the appearance of physical objects like walls, gatelines, escalators, railings and so on.

Note: Due to contractual agreements with design partners, some textures may not be visible.

To view the Texture registry:

  1. Select Tools > Texture Registry.

    The ‘Texture Registry’ dialog is displayed.

  2. From the 'Scene' drop-down menu, select 'All' to display textures from all scenes in your model, or choose a specific scene to show only textures associated with it.

    For each texture the following information is displayed:

    • Id – automatically generated.
    • Name
    • Origin – which scene it belongs to.
    • Path – location of file (if a path is very long, you may need to scroll to see further information about a texture).
    • Size – in pixels.
    • In memory – texture currently loaded in memory or not (any missing files will be signalled as ‘Not found’; see Locating Missing Textures).
    • # Reference – number of times used by objects.
  3. You can further filter the textures by checking or unchecking these options:
    • Show system textures – internal Legion files, like shadows.
    • Show file based textures – image files referenced by a scene
    • Show memory based textures – embedded SketchUp textures
  4. To preview an available texture, click anywhere in its row to highlight it and click the Preview Selected button. The example below is called ‘TXBRI24.TIF’.

  5. To close the preview, click Close.
  6. If a texture is listed as 'Not found', see Locating Missing Textures for instructions.
  7. Click Close when you have finished your work.